chinadotcom was established in 1995 and listed on NASDAQ in 1999. From its early days as an Internet pioneer in Asia, the Company has grown and evolved into a global provider of enterprise software, business solutions and mobile and Internet applications. Our name change to CDC Corporation helps clarify the identity of the Company and better reflects our development into a larger and more diverse enterprise. The new name, without “dotcom”, signals the shift of our business focus away from a heavy reliance on the Internet sector. In addition, the new name without the clear component of “china” symbolizes the Company’s more geographically diversified revenue and customer mix.
Today, we operate in 14 countries around the world, and employ approximately 1,800 staff worldwide. We are a diversified enterprise that owns, directly and indirectly, a global family of businesses across three core areas (i) enterprise application software, (ii) IT consulting and services, and (iii) mobile value added services and Internet media services in China. The principal enterprise application software companies owned by the Company include Ross Systems, Inc., Pivotal Corporation, and IMI. IT consulting services are offered by our Ion Global, Pacific Connection, and Software Galeria subsidiaries in Asia, Australia and North America. In the People’s Republic of China, the Company is a leading provider of mobile value added services and Internet media through the Company’s 81%-owned subsidiary,
In addition to its diversified business lines, the Company’s revenue and customer mix have also expanded to cover broader geographical regions outside of Greater China. For the quarter ended December 31, 2004, revenue contributions from North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific accounted for 39%, 30%, and 31% of revenues, respectively.
In the past, when a speaker referred to “chinadotcom”, “” or “”, it was often unclear as to which company or business they were discussing. Examples of this appeared regularly in the media and in a variety of contexts among the public. We believe that our new name will help clarify our corporate identity and make it clearer and easier for people to understand and separate us from our subsidiaries.
The Company’s Hong Kong listed 81%-owned mobile value added services and Internet media business has also changed its name from “” to “”. Their new name better reflects the fact that their underlying operations, revenue mix, and customer base are predominately in China. It will also allow them to further leverage upon the high brand awareness that the name “” enjoys in China since its introduction in 1997.
In order to continue to benefit from the brand equity that has been built over the years, the names of the Company's enterprise application software and IT consulting and services companies will be retained. In addition, the Company has decided to retain the symbol "CHINA" for its stock exchange listings because it is recognized by our investors, and it has clear meanings of financial history, momentum and operational progression in the financial community--qualities which are part of the Company's heritage and which will be part of the Company's future under our new name “CDC Corporation”.
The Company's holdings have changed considerably since it was founded over 10 years ago. The acquisitions of Ross and Pivotal in the enterprise application software sector, as well as the acquisitions of Newpalm and Go2Joy in the mobile value added services sector, provide recent examples of this growth and evolution. An ancient Chinese proverb states that your fate is determined by your name. The Company believes that the name "CDC Corporation" will better reflect the diversity of our family of businesses and will allow increased flexibility for future strategic expansion in a dynamic business environment.
中华网彻底退出门户行列 5月起将使用新网址 (DVOL本文转自:中国DV传媒